Well, it's been a while since the last BathSongs update - quite a lot to mention! Promotion - it's been amazing to have been able to spread the word through some great publications and outlets. So far BathSongs has had:
Musicians for BathSongs show - I'm over the moon that the incredible Michael Hennessy will be main support on the 6th June - one of the greatest performers to grace the streets of Bath will be playing a selection of his own material before the BathSongs section of the evening! I also will be welcoming a sublime ensemble to help me play the new songs; they will be; Len Liechti - Mandolin, Double Bass, vocals Hannah Johns - Violin/viola, vocals Lee Cole - Drums, percussion, vocals Beth Eason - vocals We've been sharing ideas about how the songs will work and will hopefully be meeting up to run through them in the next week. There will definitely be an air of spontanaety and improvisation to the performance due to the nature of the project and the timescale (!) but with them all being such amazing musicians, I'm fully confident it's going to sound AMAZING! Songs - As of last night, I'm now up to my minimum goal of 8 songs!! A maaassive sigh of relief. I still have a couple of ideas I'd like to pursue, but with some of the songs being a little longer (I had to fit the story in somehow!) and with the amount I have to talk about on the night, what I have already may actually be more than enough. I'll still try and see what becomes of the other ideas but I'll defintely be spending the majority of the next week learning to live with the ones I've already got! So, that's where I am now! It's all becoming real, and I can see the finish line ahead. It's still a nerve-shattering thought putting together a show where the content is still fluid and without knowledge of who will turn up but with a body of songs/stories now fleshed out and ready to be shared, I'm a little less nervous than this time a month ago!! I'd love to see some friendly faces on the 6th and honestly believe there will be something of interest for everyone. Tickets available here if you'd like to come and hear what all the fuss has been about! Sam x
deb duckett
26/5/2015 05:27:23 am
What time does it start on 6th Sam?
Sam Eason
26/5/2015 05:29:24 am
Hiya Deb!! The aim is:
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